Reclaim Your Mind

True Health Assessment

Reclaim it and stand guard at the door of your mind!  It is under attack by the media, by mediocrity, by medieval minds, and mediators.  It is slowly taken away from you by forces that you don’t want to believe are there. They are there.  Bad advice given by unscrupulous ones who look for their own interests at the cost of your freedom, your expression, your verve, your je ne sais quoi! Without a social lesson, let’s just focus on the one things I know makes the difference: your opportunity to be authentically you! Yes, you still have that chance before you but your have to reclaim your mind. You have to take back your life! You gave to fight the inner and outer enemies, the ideas that lay siege over you to leave you numb, in despair, afraid, and on the whole, not you at all.  What step could you take today to listen to that voice inside of you that actually wants to sing, that breath in you that wants to breathe, that creativity in you that desires to manifest?  What could you do today to reclaim your mind, to build a kingdom or fortune in your heart, to bring you closer to the source that connects all things, and on a path to be the very you that you were destined to be? What could you do? What WILL you do?

Answer these questions and take those actions and it will make all the difference in your life.

Sean Knows Sean D. Olivares  That’s what Sean Knows!

For any and all reasons to those of you who are reading this:

I Love You. I’m Sorry. Please Forgive Me. Thank You.

ILoveYou   True Health Assessment

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